I owe so much to Shawn. We called him when we rescued a 2 yo pit bull who came from a very "loving" home but had NO prior training and def no leadership, she was just a couch potato and just did what she wanted all day every day. Never had structure or limits, and was almost certainly never told "no".
We wanted to adopt Shawn's philosophy to leadership right away and get off on the right foot. Shawn has taught us more about ourselves, which is so crucial in order to become an effective leader. We struggled with many things, for me, THE WALK was the most challenging of all. Molly (and myself) had developed "leash reactivity" to dogs and walking became even more of a nightmare for me than it had been already.
Shawn pointed so many things out and her misbehaving on the walk is a symptom of many subtle moments of disrespectful behaviors and lack of believable leadership, which Shawn tracked back right into our house. Some behaviors were obvious, but others were not. Once Shawn pointed out these subtleties, I noticed an immediate difference in Molly's overall behavior.
The biggest issue I have struggled tremendously with was THE WALK! Everything was just fine until an oncoming dog would come.....and it was just CHAOS! I have been pulled all over the road, lunging into the road, fallen on top of her, tripped over her and on and on.
It became frustrating and tense, I couldn't get by a dog without essentially "strangling" her by if I could even manage to keep her by my side at all. ZERO respect for me, and totally ineffective communication to her. She was just gonna do what "she wanted".
Shawn told me "RELAX", envision what you WANT to happen and make it happen. So with Shawn's advice/direction and the help of a great friend William (and his boys Willow and Kain) who is a very calm balanced person following the same approach to leadership.... We made it happen!
I didn't ruminate about what might happen or what ifs, because I said to myself, no matter what this is ending on a good note.... MY note.
We did a few oncoming pass bys, I envisioned what I wanted and within a few passes Molly with a few corrections just began to ignore the other dog and even other dogs passing by. She didn't lunge, I didn't fall down, I didn't get dragged all over the place. It was like the heavens opened up and I for the first time understood what Shawn meant by make it happen. She just kept going along calmly as William, Willow, and Kain just got closer behind us and eventually next to us and we had a more than perfect structured walk!!
So we have made amazing progress, and I have also learned to let go of the moments that don't go "great" and just try to learn something from both the good moments and the uncomfortable ones. I have learned that a moment of time with a set back is just that, it's a moment, learn from it, fix it, and forget it!
Shawn is really just simply amazing, he knows the perfect time to intervene, and also knows when I need to navigate on my own, figure things out and step up to the plate. He is kind, fair, direct, and honest to both owners and their dogs alike.
I am convinced Shawn can help you fix any issue (s) and as long as you are openminded, willing to work with your dog AND yourself, progress and good stuff will happen!!!!
Shawn is always just a phone call or text away just like he tells you. Honestly, I feel like I should be contributing to his phone bill each month for the amount of time I call and text him lol!!!!!!
Also...... "RELAX"
Leanne F.
- Richmond, RI